304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
Artificial Flower Bouquet Balloon Preserved Flower Gift $1520
包括 自訂字句, 畢業小帽, 絲帶, 裝飾花紙, 盒仔
Include: Custom letter, mini grad-hat, Artificial Flowers and Box
Handmade original design
請最少於 3 – 5 天前下單(花束氣球)
Please place an order 3-5 days in advance for ordering flower balloon.
購買前須知 NOTICE
訂購(花束氣球), 請最少於 3 – 5 天前下單
Please place an order 3-5 days in advance for ordering flower balloon.
如急單可 IG 查詢 Please DM for inquiries if urgent orders.
氣球建議使用當天/前天交收 (為了客人能安全送出氣球的建議♡)
Balloon is recommended to be used on the day of delivery
出貨前會傳照片確認, 訂購後不設退換, 請在交收時檢查清楚
Photos will be sent for confirmation before shipment. There are no refunds, returns, or exchanges on items after purchase. Please check clearly when handing over.
出貨前會經過氣球漏氣安全測試. 氣球壽命高達一年或以上 (視乎放置的環境 /氣溫/日曬等)
There are quality check for balloon air leakage before shipping. It can be stored for up to one year (depending on the environment/temperature/sun exposure, etc.)
如氣球被不小心破損漏氣並不能修復, 如須重新製作氣球, 本店需收取原訂單的50%費用,因製作氣球工序繁複, 敬請見諒
If it needs to be remade due to damaged , it will be charged for 50% of the original order.